ACTIVA ABS Super Chef 900 Watts Powerful Motor Mixer Grinder With 4 Jars | 2 Years Motor, Black
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✅EXTRA POWERFUL 900 WATT MOTOR:New and powerful 900 W Turbo Motor, with advanced air ventilation & sturdy couple. This ACTIVA Super Chef Mixer Grinder Comprises of a Low-Maintenance And Really Powerful 900 Watt Motor, Which Offers Seamless Trouble-Free Working For Several Years. The Motor is Strong For Top-Grade Grinding and Mixing of The Hardest Ingredients. The Switch Knobs Assist The User To Change The Speed Levels Without Any Fuss.✅STAINLESS STEEL JARS AND BLADES: It Comes Equipped With High - Quality Stainless Steel Jars And Blades. Stainless Steel Fine Blades For Best Chopping, Grinding And Juicing. They Can Perfectly Blend Even The Harder Food Stuffs Very Easily. It is Hygienic and Easy to Clean as Well.✅3 SPEED CONTROL & PULSE FUNCTION: This Mixer Grinder Comes With Powerful Blades And Variable Speed Settings. It Helps You to Choose The Speed You Want, It Also Features Pulse Button Which Allows You To Produce a Finer Texture. Once You Press Pulse Button, It Operates At Medium Speed And Stops Instantly When You Release The Button.✅SHOCK-PROOF ABS BODY: To Ensure The Greatest Safety When in Operation, The DigiSmart Mixer Grinder Features Shock-Proof ABS Body. This Helps to Perform Top-Quality Grinding With Least Risk of Injuries Triggered by Overload or Shock. The Whole Machinery of This DigiSmart Kitchen mate Mixer Grinder Is Totally Shock-Proof and Safe.✅SUCTION BASE: When It Comes to Protection Features, This DigiSmart Kitchenmate Mixer Grinder Comes With Jar Lid Locks and Strong Suction Feet. The Suction Base Ensure More Stability While it is in Operation. It is Good Specially in Case of Processing Heavy Grinding. This Also Grips on The Flattest Surfaces Counter Top When Not in Use.✅Burning smell during first few usage is normal due to varnish coating on motor and will stop after few usage cycles. Your mixer grinder's powerful motor may make some noise. If the noise level/smell seem abnormal, please contact Customer Care.;This product does not require installation. Please allow the motor to cool for some time between product uses.✅WARRANTY TYPE : Product installation to be done by the customer Himself. and Customer will send the product to a service center for repair. The product will be repaired in only service center.
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