ACTIVA Instant 3 Litre Geyser 3 KVA Special Anti Rust Coated 0.7 MM SS Tank, Full Abs Body Premium geyser come with 4 Years Warranty (Grey & Black),Wall
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Details of the product
✅POWERFUL INSTANT HEATING ELEMENT: The 3000-watt high quality copper heating element material ensures fast heating of water and provides the perfect hot water anytime of the day.✅4 WAY PROTECTION SAFETY: The geyser built with all the 4 safety features included automatic thermostat, automatic thermal cutout, pressure release valve and fusible plug which provides long lasting life to your geyser and proper protection.✅LONG LIFE JOINTLESS 304 L SS TANK: Featuring a high-grade 304L Stainless Steel tank with jointless stainless steel tank which reduces the chances of tank leakage thus providing longer life.✅QUALITY COMPONENTS: Extra heavy duty 3kva ISI marked element to provide resistance against scale formation.✅LED INDICATOR: Equipped with LED indicators, the water heater displays a green light when the Perfect Hot Water is ready to use.✅OUTER BODY - Rust and shock proof body with ABS Top and Bottom which protect you from getting electric shock and it provides long life to your geyser.✅SEVEN TANK PROCESSED SHEET METAL BODY: The Geyser Comes With Seven Tank Processed Sheet Metal Powder Coated Body With ABS Top and Bottom . The Seven Tank Processed Geyser Body Saves Your Geyser From Rust and Corrosion✅EXCLUSIVELY COMES WITH MFV FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS: The Geyser Specially Designed With Multi Functional Valve (MFV). It's Ability To Withstand Pressure Up To 8 Bar Makes It Suitable For High Rise Buildings And Pressure Pump Applications.✅WARRANTY TYPE : Product installation to be done by the only customer Himself. and Customer will send the product to a service center for repair. The product will be repaired in only service center.
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