APKEY BRAND® Rotating Magic Bean Toy for Kids Rotating Small Beads Magic Cube Toys for Boys and Girls Puzzle Educational Toys for 3 Years Old Kids (Flower Shap/Multi Color)

APKEY BRAND® Rotating Magic Bean Toy for Kids Rotating Small Beads Magic Cube Toys for Boys and Girls Puzzle Educational Toys for 3 Years Old Kids (Flower Shap/Multi Color)

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Details of the product
NON-SLIP DESIGN - Both sides of the colorful ball rotating toy are designed with protruding particles, which can increase the friction with the hand, and also can massage children's hand.HIGH QUALITY - This little magic bean toy is made of Made of high quality plastic, eco-friendly, non-toxin and no smell, safe for children playing. A new decompression puzzle product developed for children's brain development, combined with the common characteristics of fingertip tops!EASY PLAY - Could you put the same color beads together? Carefully designed 4 O-shaped concave holes, each groove has a number of small beads, which can move and rotate by pushing the middle module. More methods waiting for your development.NOVELTY GIFT - Want to surprise someone? We believe our magic bean toy can be an idea Christmas gift, New year gift , birthday gift or Other festival present.This magic cube will be a unique gift for kids!
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