Chymey | Range of Exotic Herbal Teas (Chamomile)
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ABOUT CHYMEY: At Chymey, we believe in the special bond, the lasting moment, you share with your tea. That’s why creating that perfect blend for you means the world to us.CHAMOMILE PARADISE: Chymey brings you the treasured qualities of pure Chamomile in this amber tinged tisane, to melt away your anxiety, packed in premium quality tins for convenient storage.PERFECT BLEND OF BENEFITS: Known to reduce menstrual pain, lower blood sugar, slow or prevent osteoporosis, reduce inflammation and stomach issues, cancer treatment and prevention, promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia and anxiety, boost immunity, treat cold symptoms & mild skin conditions.TASTE & AROMA: In this sunshine yellow coloured blend, Gentle notes like apple, mellow honey-like sweetness and nutty endnotes. With a Warm, herby, and mild fruity aroma.QUALITY STANDARDS: All teas are checked by Certified Tea Professional. No dust, broken leaves accepted. Only Whole leaves are used. Freeze dried fruits, flowers and herbs used for longer shelf life and better retainment of taste and colour. Our whole leaf teas are carefully handled, packed and stored; tea and ingredients in Cold Storage. Face Masks, Caps and Shoe covers are compulsory in manufacturing facilities.100% NATURAL TEA: Chymey tea has only the best quality tea leaves sourced directly from the gardens in Assam and Darjeeling is completely natural with 100% Real Ingredients and No Added Flavours, Preservatives or any artificial essence.BREWING SUGGESTIONS: For regular brewing, take the required amount of tea in a cup & add hot water to it. Let it steep for a while, strain out the tea & enjoy.(For more suggestions scroll to product details)
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