Cuddables 99% Premium Water Baby Wipes | Natural Plant made cloth wipes - Super thick | 72pcs (Pack of 2)

Cuddables 99% Premium Water Baby Wipes | Natural Plant made cloth wipes - Super thick | 72pcs (Pack of 2)

22.85% Off

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Details of the product
99% purified water - made with 99% water purified using the latest and best technology available in the market specifically for bringing water in purest and safest form for your little ones. Also we have kept in mind the pH which is safe and required for the sensitive skin of the babies and thus our wipes are pH balanced and have high water retention in them. Cottony Soft - Our baby wipes with lids are made of 100% cotton (viscose) fabric to give your baby's skin the delicate cottony soft touch it requires. Our water baby wipes with lids are made of plant pulp which makes it all organic, eco-friendly and 100% biodegradable, thus creating no harm to your babies or to our mother nature (Prakriti). 3x thicker - Our baby wipes are unscented and thicker than most of the wipes available in the market and hence you would have a feel of using a soft cotton cloth-like feel for your little one. Safe for newborns and gentle for baby's soft skin - We make our baby wet wipes products go through rigorous testing to make sure they’re completely safe for your baby’s usage. They are dermatologically certified and made with plant-based fabric, with no harmful chemicals making these wipes completely safe for a baby's gentle skin. Free from harmful chemicals and artificial fragrance - Our Company aims to say no to chemicals and hence these water baby wipes are free from any toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your loved ones. Fragrance may seem pleasant but recent studies have shown how fragrance can be harmful to anyone, especially for newborns. So, our wipes for babies are totally fragrance free.
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