Dr.Ortho Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil for Joints Pain, Knee & Back Pain 200ml- Super Saver Pack
10.13% Off
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Details of the product
The goodness of 8 herbs- Dr. Ortho Ayurvedic pain relief Oil is a blend of- Gandhpura Oil, Nirgundi Oil, Cheed oil, Til oil, Jyotishmati Oil, Alsi Oil, Kapoor, Pudina, a complete muscle and joint pain relief. All the ingredients have well-known analgesic properties that help in relieving pain effectively.Safe & Effective- This Ayurvedic oil for joint pain has a lightweight texture and with daily application may help combat problems like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, muscle pull, knee pain, frozen shoulder, stiffness and sprains due to any kind of accident, sports injury or heavy lifting. Its Ayurvedic blend makes it safe for application for everyone, regardless of age or skin type.Our Promise- Dr. Ortho encapsulates the goodness of Ayurveda in its products. With the goodness of natural ayurvedic herbs, this ayurvedic oil for pain helps take care of various kinds of joints and muscle issues, regardless of age. Its blend of potent herbs gently and effectively fights chronic joint problems.How to use - Take 8ml-10 ml of oil and gently massage it on the affected area. Let the oil get absorbed and use it consistently for better results.
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