Earth Rhythm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Bar for Itchy & Flaky Scalp | Men & Women | Contains Arnica Peppermint & Menthol Extracts | Sulphate & Paraben Free - 80gm (Cardboard)
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HIGHEST QUALITY AND NATURAL CARE! Being plastic free and eco-friendly these shampoo bars are made of high quality all natural ingredients! Handmade to achieve the best quality these solid bars will naturally treat and restore your hair to its original shiny state without stripping it while the added conditioner effect will make your hair soft and light as a petal! You will notice a difference in the way your wet hair feels after washing!100% ECO-FRIENDLY AND TRAVEL-FRIENDLY! These shampoo bars do not contain any chemicals or preservatives that can damage your hair while our packaging is 100% biodegradable and recycling! Their compact size and lightweight making these shampoo bars perfect choice for travel camping airplane or on the road helping you take a good care of your hair while being 100% waste free! Also they come in a cute tin box.ZERO WASTE IS OUR MISSION! Green Earth is our goal! Everything from our products to our packaging is sourced with big care and consideration! We understand that millions shampoo and conditioner bottles are being thrown away each year in India. Our focus and determination are fighting the plastic waste and being part of the solution to stop it for rocketing That is why our products are always packaged plastic free and made of organic ingredientsBest before 12 Months from the date of manufacturing.
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