Flampago Fast Acting Pain Relief Gel For Back Pain, Joint Pain, Sprain, Strain, Knee Pain, Sports Injury 30g (30g x 1)

Flampago Fast Acting Pain Relief Gel For Back Pain, Joint Pain, Sprain, Strain, Knee Pain, Sports Injury 30g (30g x 1)

30.59% Off

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Details of the product
INSTANT PAIN RELIEF: Provides quick relief from muscle pain, joint pain, and back pain with natural Ayurvedic ingredients.WARMING FORMULA : Flampago pain relief gel features a warming formula that gives instant warming sensation for deeper penetration and pain relief.AYURVEDIC FORMULA: Flampago pain relief gel contains a blend of ayurvedic pain oils like Mahanarayana thailam, Mahamasha thailam, Mahavishagarbha gel, Gandhapura tel, Red pepper oil, Turpin oil, Pudina Satwa & Camphor known for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory propertiesMULTIPURPOSE GEL: Ideal for back pain, joint pain, neck pain, sports injuries, sprains, arthritis pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, heel pain, general muscle pain and soreness.FAST ABSORBING: Non-greasy formula absorbs quickly into the skin, providing effective and lasting relief leaving no stains or sticky residue.
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