Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Tablets 1000mg 120 Tablets | Supports Healthy Digestion | Improves Bowel Wellness| Relieves Constipation | Pure Herbs Used |100% Ayurvedic (Pack of 1))
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Helps In Improving Digestion: Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Tablets Help Ease Bowel Movement And Keep Your Gut Healthy. Triphala Is A Combination Of Amla, Haritaki, And Vibhitaki That Detoxifies The Body. It Acts As A Mild Herbal Laxative That Relieves Constipation And Reduces Bloating. In Addition To This, It Also Acts As A Prebiotic By Creating An Optimum Environment For Good Gut Bacteria. This Ayurvedic Formulation Has Been Used Since Ancient Times As A Potent Rasayana.Useful In Weight Management: Triphala Helps In Weight Management By Flushing Toxins Out Of The Body. Regular Intake Of Triphala Can Help Cleanse Your Digestive System And Detoxify The Body.Three Potent Ingredients: Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Tablets Is Made With The Amalgamation Of Three Powerful Ingredients- Amla, Vibhitaki, And Haritaki. Amla Is Rich In Vitamin C Which Helps In Bolstering The Immune System Of The Body. Vibhitaki Helps Detoxify The Body. Haritaki Is Also Known As ‘The King Of Medicines’ In Ayurveda And Is Known To Promote A Happy Gut.Boosts Skin Health: Triphala Tablets Are Loaded With Vitamin C And Antioxidants That Help Improve Skin Health. If You Wish To Get Clearer, Softer, And Radiant Skin Then Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Tablets Are The Ones For You.Holistic Health: Offering A Multitude Of Health Benefits, Triphala Is Considered A Tridoshic Rasayana That Balances All The Three Doshas- Kapha, Pitta, And Vata. It Is A Powerhouse Of Antioxidants That Boosts Immunity And Removes Toxins From The Body. Triphala Cleanses The Gut And Is Also Good For Hair, Eyes, And Skin Health.
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