Nourish Mantra Mask Mini Trio Face Care Kit | Holy Basil & Neem Vardaan Mud Mask, Exotic Black Turmeric Mud Mask, Orange & Saffron Avanda Glow Mask | for Glowing Skin (12g each)
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WHAT YOU GET: This trio pack by Nourish Mantra contains Holy Basil & Neem Vardaan clay mask, Exotic Black Turmeric Mud Mask, and an Orange and Saffron Ananda Glow face maskHOLY BASIL & NEEM GREEN MUD MASK It purifies skin from toxins and deeply nourishes it. This neem face mask purifies the skin from toxins and stops acne, and the basil extract wards off skin irritationORANGE & SAFFRON ANANDA GLOW MASK: It is a perfectly gentle and natural pore-tightening mask. The soothing texture of the clay mask cures dullness, uneven texture, and dark spots.BLACK TURMERIC MUD MASK: It absorbs impurities from the skin and works as an ideal cleansing agent that softens the skin, making it a perfect detan face pack.ENRICHED WITH: A blend of natural ingredients, vitamins, and fruit extracts to deliver a refined complexion & glowing skin. This trio pack by Nourish Mantra is a must-have.IDEAL FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: It is suitable for all skin types as it is 100% natural and safe for the skin.
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