Orient Electric Pacific Air Decor | 1200mm BEE Star Rated Ceiling Fan | Durable & Long-lasting | Strong and Reliable| Aesthetic Look | Warranty (2 years) | (Smoke Brown, Pack of 1)

Orient Electric Pacific Air Decor | 1200mm BEE Star Rated Ceiling Fan | Durable & Long-lasting | Strong and Reliable| Aesthetic Look | Warranty (2 years) | (Smoke Brown, Pack of 1)

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Details of the product
Great performance with a fan speed of 350 RPM, this stylish ceiling fan for home delivers 210 CMM air giving you great performance as well as spectacular air cover. Aesthetic looks with decorative trims that not only serve a functional purpose but also add a touch of modern elegance to your room's aesthetic. Durable and long lasting fan features a robust and high-performance motor, corrosion-resistant blades provide added protection against wear and tear. Smooth operation incorporates advanced double ball-bearing technology ensuring smooth and efficient fan operation while also prolonging the fan's lifespan. Strong blades that are durable and long-lasting, this decorative ceiling fan features ribbed blades that are resistant to corrosion and can withstand regular usage. Superior aesthetics the ceiling fan boasts decorative trims that add a touch of modern elegance to your home and enhance the overall aesthetics of the fan. Color options available in Smoke Brown, Ivory Gold, and White Silver colours, allowing you to select the one that complements your home perfectly. Warranty the ceiling fan comes with a generous 2-year manufacturer warranty, providing you with peace of mind and assurance of its quality.
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