Royal Mouth Fresheners Calcutta Meetha Paan Mukhwas Without Supari, After Meal Digestive Mouthfreshner, 300g (Jar)
49.85% Off
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Details of the product
AUTHENTIC FLAVOR: Enjoy the rich and vibrant taste of traditional Calcutta Paan, a popular Indian mouth freshener that revitalizes your senses after meals.DIGESTIVE SUPPORT: Helps promote healthy digestion, relieving symptoms of acidity, bloating, and indigestion, making it the perfect post-meal treat.NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Contains Gulkand Syrup, Dry Dates, Cardamom, and Menthol, offering a blend of natural benefits including skin nourishment, energy boosting, and stress relief.MULTIPLE HEALTH BENEFITS: Pan Leaf supports oral health, Gulkand Syrup purifies blood, Dry Dates boost immunity, Cardamom enhances metabolism, and Menthol provides respiratory relief and freshness.REFRESHING & VITALIZING: Ideal for after snacks, lunch, dinner, or during free time, providing a refreshing taste while supporting overall wellness and energy levels.
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