SuperYou Chocolate Protein Wafer Bars (Pack of 10)|10g Protein, 3g Fiber, No Added Sugar|Yeast Fermented Protein|Energy Bars|Crunchy Wafer Bar|100% Vegetarian|No Palm Oil|400g
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Details of the product
THE ONLY SUPER WAFER BAR - With 10 gms of protein in each bar, 3 gms of fiber, and goodness of flavor in every bite, the SuperYou wafer bar is perfect for your daily lifestyle. It has no preservatives or artificial sweeteners, a balance of taste and nutrition, and is 100% vegetarian.INTRODUCING YEAST-FERMENTED PROTEIN TO INDIA - Straight from the future, we use a unique blend of yeast - fermented protein technology.Our carefully monitored bio-fermentation process creates yeast protein with the ideal ratio of all essential amino acids, achieving a perfect Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0.Bio-fermentation adds natural nutrients like beta-glucans, fibers, and prebiotics, making it great for gut health.Our process is non-GMO and free from allergens, making it suitable for various dietary needs.IT’S CRUNCHYYY and WAFERRRY - The Lightest, crunchiest wafers with alternating layers of chocolate and your favorite flavors, a treat for all times, for everyone.EVERYONE CAN BE SUPER! - Hitting the gym? practicing yoga? trying to curb junk cravings? No time for breakfast before office? Got that midnight movie munching feeling? This protein-packed snack has you covered. High protein naturally reduces the desire for greasy and sugary food, keeping you on track with healthier choices.MADE SUPER JUST FOR YOU - More protein per bar sounds great, but stuffing 20-40g of protein in one go can be tough on your stomach. SuperYou delivers a balanced 10g protein per bar—the ideal amount to supplement a well-rounded diet without overwhelming your digestion. Remember, we’re not a meal replacement; we’re a healthy protein snack for busy days when you need a quick, clean protein boost without the fuss.CHOCOLATE PERFECTED - An instant classic, a hard hitter, puts your favorite chocolate bar to shame. It has layers of crunchy wafer, wrapped in chocolate, boosted with 10g protein, 3g fiber, and No added sugar.
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