The White Willow Soft Premium Knitted Spun Fabric Pillow Case 24”L x 14”W x 1.5”H, Washable, Removable Zippered Pillow Cover Only, Fits Ultraslim Pillow- Grey

The White Willow Soft Premium Knitted Spun Fabric Pillow Case 24”L x 14”W x 1.5”H, Washable, Removable Zippered Pillow Cover Only, Fits Ultraslim Pillow- Grey

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Details of the product
SLIMMEST PILLOWS: Ultra slim pillows in cooling gel memory foam comfort provide extraordinary cooler comfort and favourable sleep climate. The traditional shape of these pillows do not sag, clump or lose shape unlike other cotton filled pillows which become lumpy or sag with time. These pillows are durable, long lasting and provide excellent support and comfort with their pressure relieving and pain relief qualities.OPTIMUM SUPPORT TO THE NECK & BACK: Made with superior quality cooling gel memory foam, these pillows bring relief from back aches, neck pain or any other orthopedic ailments. Memory foam in these slim pillows make them temperature sensitive as they mould easily with the shape of the body, head, neck, back, shoulders. Also, the ultraslim pillow helps in regulating body temperature to bring an undisturbed, cooler and calmer sleeping experience.VERSATILE & MULTIPURPOSE PILLOWS: The pillows can be folded, tucked inside your suitcases, or bags and easy to carry. Moreover, you can use them for not just sleeping but also for other multipurpose uses - as backrest, between the knees, under the thighs, or as a leg rest. These extremely soft and huggable pillows are ideally suited for all sleeping styles- side, back, stomach or rotational. Also, these hypoallergenic pillows promise a safe and hygienic experience.SAFE & ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE: These pillows are made with safe, ecofriendly materials from German technology by BASF. The pillows are available with luxury soft premium outer cover made in bamboo fibers with a zip which can be easily washed and maintained.CRAFTED WITH CONSCIENCE & QUALITY: Developed from safe and eco-friendly materials from German technology by BASF, the bed pillows gives you an extra reason to experience sound and carefree sleep with memory foam comfort. ! Enjoy the comfort and safety with a year-long warranty on this product.
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