TURRITOPSIS Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil by Kohlu Wood pressed Cold pressed Unrefined Certified Organic Natural Pure Raw Chekku Cooking Oil 250 ml Pack of 1

TURRITOPSIS Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil by Kohlu Wood pressed Cold pressed Unrefined Certified Organic Natural Pure Raw Chekku Cooking Oil 250 ml Pack of 1

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Details of the product
Our mustard oil, produced via the Kachi Ghani technique, maintains its natural taste and health benefits. This method involves cold pressing at low temperatures, ensuring the oil's high quality for cooking and nourishment use.We utilize the Kohlu method, employing wooden presses for oil extraction. This technique preserves purity and enhances flavor, keeping the oil's traditional properties for skin and hair care as per Ayurveda.Turritopsis Kachi ghani mustard oil is cold-pressed, keeping vital nutrients and enzymes intact, offering health benefits and rich flavor. This method minimizes heat, maintaining the oil's natural potency. Despite a high smoking point, it's often used at low temperatures for its strong flavor.Being unrefined and certified organic, turritopsis mustard oil is a pure choice. Free from harmful substances, it's ideal for organic health and beauty practices, and the use of chekku further ensures its natural quality.Package Content: 1 Mustard Oil; Quantity: 250 ml; Ingredient Type: Vegetarian; Shelf Life: 365 Days
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