Zebronics Newly Launched Storm Wired On Ear Headphone with 3.5mm Jack, Built-in Microphone for Calling,1.5 Meter Cable, Soft Ear Cushion, Adjustable Headband,Foldable Ear Cups(White)

Zebronics Newly Launched Storm Wired On Ear Headphone with 3.5mm Jack, Built-in Microphone for Calling,1.5 Meter Cable, Soft Ear Cushion, Adjustable Headband,Foldable Ear Cups(White)

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Details of the product
Enjoy long hours of music from the uniquely styled headband- the ZEB-Storm which comes in white color so you can match your outfit just the way you like. This travel music companion is easily compatible with mobile and tablets. All you need to do is connect it to your device and keep enjoying your all-time favorite music. Get yourself immersed in incredible music emitted by this headband which has powerful drivers of size 40mm producing crystal clear music and thumping sound. Your long hours of music jamming sessions can go on uninterrupted as this headband comes with soft ear cushions and can be adjusted to your desired size. It is easily portable and compact as the headband is designed with foldable earcups which fits even inside a smaller backpack easily. This headband can be conveniently plugged into your device as it comes with a 3.5mm line input connector and a 1.5m long cable. The trouble-free calling function is possible with ZEB-Storm as it comes with in-line MIC through which you can have chit-chat anytime.
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